Serverupdate: 27.2.2024 (16-17 Uhr)
Am Di 27.2. zwischen 16-17 Uhr wird ein Serverupdate aufgespielt. Die Plattform ist in dieser Zeit temporär nicht erreichbar. (2024-02-19 11:47:59)
Serverupdate: 20.2.2024 (16-17 Uhr)
Am Di 20.2. zwischen 16-17 Uhr wird ein Serverupdate aufgespielt. Die Plattform ist in dieser Zeit temporär nicht erreichbar. (2024-02-19 11:46:50)
Serverupdate: 15.2.2024 (16-17 Uhr)
Am Do 15.2. zwischen 16-17 Uhr wird ein Serverupdate aufgespielt. Die Plattform ist in dieser Zeit temporär nicht erreichbar. (2024-02-09 09:19:42)
Rothdiener M, Griewatz J, Meder A, Dall'Acqua A, Obertacke U, Kirschniak A, Borucki K, Koenig S, Ruesseler M, Steffens S, Steinweg B, Lammerding-Koeppel M. Surgeons' participation in the development of essential generic competencies through German undergraduate medical education. PLoS ONE 2020; 15(6).
Griewatz J, Yousef A, Rothdiener M, Lammerding-Koeppel M; Collaborators of the MERlin Mapping Group. Are we preparing for collaboration, advocacy and leadership? Targeted multi-site analysis of collaborative intrinsic roles implementation in medical undergraduate curricula. BMC Med Educ. 2020 Feb 4;20(1):35.
Griewatz J, Lammerding-Koeppel M. Intrinsic roles in the crosshair - Strategic analysis of multi-site role implementation with an adapted matrix map approach. BMC Medical Education. 2019; 19:237.
Fritze O, Lammerding-Koeppel M, Boeker M, Narciß E, Wosnik A, Zipfel S, Griewatz J. Boosting competence-orientation in undergraduate medical education ? a web-based tool linking curricular mapping and visual analytics. Med Teach. 2018; 30:1-11.
Lammerding-Koeppel M, Fritze O, Giesler M, Narciss E, Steffens S, Wosnik A, Griewatz J. Benchmarking for research-related competencies - a curricular mapping approach at medical faculties in Germany. Med Teach. 2018; 40(2):164-173.
Lammerding-Köppel M, Giesler M, Gornostayeva M, Narciss E, Wosnik A, Zipfel S, Griewatz J, Fritze O. Monitoring and analysis of the change process in curriculum mapping compared to the National Competency-based Learning Objective Catalogue for Undergraduate Medical Education (NKLM) at four medical faculties. Part I: Conducive resources and structures. GMS J Med Educ. 2017;34(1):Doc7.
Lammerding-Köppel M, Giesler M, Gornostayeva M, Narciss E, Wosnik A, Zipfel S, Griewatz J, Fritze O. Monitoring and analysis of the change process in curriculum mapping compared to the National Competency-based Learning Objective Catalogue for Undergraduate Medical Education (NKLM) at four medical faculties. Part II: Key factors for motivating the faculty during the process. GMS J Med Educ. 2017;34(1):Doc6.
Fritze O, Griewatz J, Narciss E, Shiozawa T, Wosnik A, Zipfel S, Lammerding-Köppel M. How much GK is in the NKLM? A comparison between the catalogues of exam-relevant topics (GK) and the German National Competence-based Learning Objectives Catalogue for Undergraduate Medical Education (NKLM). GMS J Med Educ. 2017;34(1):Doc9.
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